Beware of the most infectious areas of your home

home infectious areas

Beware of the Most Infectious Areas of Your Home November 17, 2023 Knowing where the most potentially infectious areas is vital if you are caring for a loved one at home. Seniors and people with long-term illnesses are prone to infection due to having a weakened immune system. Therefore, it is essential to keep bathrooms, kitchen countertops, trash cans, and light switches free from contamination and germs. Unfortunately, a home can be full of bacteria and germs. However, you can take steps to minimize the risk of unnecessary infection. According to the CDC, the best way to protect yourself and your family from becoming sick is to wash your hands. This can help to reduce the risk of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections. This article lists some of the most infectious areas of your home and how you can keep them germ-free. The floor around your toilet The toilet area is a magnet for germs, which means you should clean it frequently. Therefore, it’s crucial to disinfect this area regularly. Depending on its use, it may be good to use a bleach-based solution to clean the floor around the toilet daily. You can also keep antibacterial wipes on hand for quick cleanups. The kitchen and bathroom sinks Sinks can harbor bacteria because drains provide the ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. In addition, washing contaminated items in sinks can leave a bacteria-filled residue. Therefore, you should wipe down sinks with an antibacterial solution. There are other hazards near bathroom and kitchen sinks where nasty germs can lurk. Here are just a few: Dirty washcloths Kitchen sponges Toothbrushes Towels  After use, it’s vital to rinse cloths in hot soapy water and leave them to air-dry. Also, always clean sponges and scrubbing pads thoroughly that were used to wash chopping boards where raw meat and poultry were prepared. In addition, rinse toothbrushes after use and never keep a damp toothbrush in an enclosed holder. Regarding towels, avoid sharing towels between family members. Light switches and doorknobs Surfaces that several people frequently touch can become breeding grounds for germs. Therefore, it’s crucial to use a disinfectant spray or wipes to keep doorknobs and light switches free from germs. If possible, choose a natural disinfectant cleaner because it is generally not as harsh as chemical products, and it’s better for the environment. The remote control, phone, and computer keyboard Frequently touched areas are prime breeding grounds for bacteria, and your remote control is no exception. Make sure you wipe it down with a disinfectant wipe or use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to disinfect the surface.Similarly, computer keyboards and phones are other places prone to collecting germs. So, it’s good to be in the habit of cleaning any regularly handled items with a suitable disinfectant. In conclusion One of the most important precautions to prevent spreading bacteria and germs is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water. In addition, be careful of shared surfaces and disinfect surfaces often. This way, you can minimize the risk of spreading germs throughout the home. Product Category Years

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